

Her name is BoA. She birthdays is November 5th 1986. She is from Korea. She is 22 years old. She is hip hop singer. She debut in 2000 in Korea. She became famous in Korea. And she was debut in 2001 in Japan. When she was 14 years old. She became famous in Japan. She want to famous in the world and she likes Japan.



I watch TV every day. I decided this topic.
1. Do you watch TV?
a. Yes(7) b. No

Why don’t you watch TV?
a. Not interesting b. Watch Internet c. Busy d. other

2. What kind of program do you watch?
a. Song(2) b. Drama(5) c. Comedy e. News

3. How long do you watch TV every day?
a. Within one hour b. One hour to two hour(5)
c. Three hour to four hour(2) d. Over four hour

4. How often do you watch news program.
a. Many(2) b. At times(4) c. Not(1)

Why don’t you watch it?
a. Another watch media(1) b. Not interesting c. other

I understand everyone watch TV. I don’t watch news program. Bat I many people watch news program. I am surprised.