

I have an interview with Mr.dunhum.
1. Why did you come to come to Japan?
I did not want to Japanese wife to come to Japan. I met my Japanese wife in U.S.A. I want to marry and I want to know wife’s culture.

2. How long have you been in Japan?
About twenty-three.

3. What was your first impression in Japan?
It’s very hot. My country is just temperature. I was surprised very big city and many people in Osaka. When I first saw dowtonbori, its very surprised.

4. What are you favorite of Japan food?
My favorite is okonomiyaki. But It’s different by a day. Sushi is very delicious. Japanese tuna frozen, but Americans tuna is fresh.

5. How often back to hometown?
I go back to once a month.

6. Do you meet your parent?
I have to go business so I don’t meet person. I wont to meet person.

I think he is very love for his wife. I think envious of his wife. He is very kind and interesting.



I went to Christmas party with my friends on Christmas. We cooked cake and bought many snack cake eat it. It’s very delicious and many play game. For example card game, video game. I was very excited.
I went to hometown in Yamaguchi on New Year’s Eve and I met with my friends and went shopping and talking. I bought skirt.
I went to first visit to a shrine on New Years. I threw many in box and shook the bell and wished clap your hands and bow and telling your destiny in fortune.